In the fractured world of Arcadia, where superhuman abilities are both a blessing and a curse, some powers carry consequences more devastating than any external threat. Levi, the Twisted Mirror, discovers this brutal truth when his unique ability—creating and reabsorbing mirror copies of himself—transforms from a tactical advantage to a personal nightmare. The moment he touches his newborn son Sean, erasing an entire potential life in an instant, reveals the terrifying cost of power unchecked by understanding or restraint. Through Sol’s haunted perspective, we witness a profound meditation on identity, the fragility of existence, and the monstrous potential that lurks……
Flash’s Story
A new short story, after last episodes grim story I have decided to go for something happier. It does contain a dead dog though.
Sol.04 – The Hunt Is On
I had been sitting there in the dark for almost an hour now, the night outside casting lurid shadows.
Sol.03 – Beginning Anew
In the fractured world of Arcadia, where superhuman abilities are both a blessing and a curse, some powers carry consequences more devastating than any external threat.
Last Word
A fairly dark, grim story about loss, life and ultimately choice. Forewarned, it is not a happy story.
Sol.03 – Beginning Anew
The Seeker.
That is what Levi Prime had called him. It had been months since he had been given that name and it had stuck in his brain. He didn’t think of himself as Levi, that felt like a stranger, a particularly vivid dream.
Last Word
Day 355.
The drinking water no longer tasted weird. I can’t remember when I no longer noticed the foul taste to the recycled water. That should have worried me but I knew I was beyond caring.
Sol.02 – The Great Levi Forward
In the fractured world of Arcadia, where superhuman abilities are both a blessing and a curse, some powers carry consequences more devastating than any external threat.
Sophie and Weaver
A short story about life, stubbornness and acceptance.